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        1. MEGS_Log version 3.3 Help

          1. Copyright notice and licence agreement

          2. How to contact MEGS_Log support

          3. What's new in MEGS_Log 3.3

          4. Concepts in MEGS_Log

          5. How to carry out common tasks within MEGS_Log

          6. Menus and commands

          7. Window elements and dialogs

            1. Title bar

            2. The toolbar

            3. Context Help command

            4. Toolbar docking area

            5. Borehole fields

            6. Trace fields

            7. Scrollbars

            8. Ruler

            9. Status bar

            10. About MEGS_Log dialog box

            11. Bitmap Editor dialog box

            12. Calculate Trace Average Value dialog box

            13. Colour dialog box

            14. Correlate dialog box

            15. Error list dialog box

            16. Field Definition dialog box

            17. Font dialog box

            18. Import Schema dialog box

            19. Hatch List Editor dialog box

            20. Licence Information dialog box

            21. Enter Licence Key dialog box

            22. Open Borehole dialog box

            23. Open Trace dialog box

            24. Options dialog box

            25. Page Setup dialog box

            26. Paste Special dialog box

            27. Print dialog box

            28. Print Progress dialog box

            29. Print Setup dialog box

            30. Relabel Sample Numbers dialog box

            31. Sample Number dialog box

            32. Save Borehole dialog box

            33. Save Changes dialog box

            34. Schema Editor dialog box

            35. Seams and Plies Editor dialog box

            36. Select Borehole Field dialog box

            37. Select Schema dialog box

            38. Set Depth dialog box

            39. Set Display Top Depth dialog box

            40. Set Rock Type dialog box

            41. Select Scale dialog box

            42. Shift Trace dialog box

            43. Trace Defaults Editor dialog box

            44. Trace Manager

            45. Unit Properties dialog box

            46. Vector Editor dialog box

            47. Print preview toolbar

          8. List of appendices

          9. MEGS_Log version 3.3 Help Index

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Trace Defaults Editor dialog box

Use the Trace Defaults Editor dialog box to set the default appearance of traces when first loaded into MEGS_Log.

Unless your administrator has enabled Client mode, you can display this dialog box by clicking the Edit Trace Defaults button on the Settings tab of the Options dialog box. If Client mode has been enabled then this dialog box is not available.

Trace Defaults Editor dialog box

Changes made to the trace defaults are saved to the users MEGS_Log configuration file when you click the Ok button.

Regular expression

A brief introduction to regular expressions is given below.

The following characters have special meaning within a regular expression:

Special character Meaning
. This is a wildcard that matches any single character.
[ Starts a character set. Any character that is present in the set will be matched. For example, [abc] matches the single characters a, b or c. You can use - to indicate a range of characters, [a-z] matches all lower case English letters.
( and ) Begins a sub-expression. You can refer to a sub-expression later in the pattern if you are looking for some sort of repeating sequence. Within MEGS_Log, you can also use the sequence (? to start the sub-expression - this is known as a non-marked sub-expression and cannot be referred to later. Either form of sub-expression can be used to group characters together into a single atom, for specifying repeat counts etc.
* Matches the preceding atom repeated zero or more times. For example, ba* matches b, ba, baa and so on.
+ Matches the preceding atom repeated one or more times. For example, ba+ matches ba, baa and so on (but not b).
? Matches the preceding atom zero or one times.
{ Use to specify a repeat count for matching. Complete the count with a closing brace }. For example a{3} matches the letter a repeated three times. You can specify upper and lower bounds to the repeat count by separating the bounds with a comma inside the braces (for example a{2, 4} matches between two and four repeats of the letter a.
\ Use to escape characters that would otherwise have special meaning. For example, the pattern DEN\. only matches DEN followed by a period, without the escape the pattern would match DEN followed by any character, as . has special meaning. If the \ character in the pattern is followed by a digit it refers back to the characters matched by a previous sub-expression (the digit refers to the sub-expressions in the order that they appear) - for example ([ab])\1 would match aa or bb.
| Use to indicate alternative matching patterns, for example abc|def matches abc or def. You can use parentheses (sub-expressions as described above) to group the alternatives correctly, for example ab(c|d) matches abc or abd.

In addition, the ^, $ characters are regarded as special and require escaping (they have meaning for regular expressions in general use but not when used within MEGS_Log).

Regular expressions are a powerful (and therefore possibly difficult!) pattern matching tool and MEGS_Log only uses a relatively small part of their capability. More information on regular expression usage can be found on the web. Different applications have slightly different interpretations of regular expression patterns. The implementation used in MEGS_Log is similar to that used in the Perl scripting language.